Coaches meetings are complete. Equipment and rosters have been distributed. Coaches will be contacting players/parents over the next few days. If you haven't heard anything by week's end (August 11)
please leave a message on our Contact page. We typically check our web-mail every day.
2017 Refs needed for LYSA Soccer
We are needing refs this fall for youth soccer. Contact Darin Ashby or Mark Bloome for more information if you are interested.
2017 LYSA Registration is now closed
LYSA has to close Registration several weeks before season starts in order to finalize teams, set schedules, and begin the process of acquiring uniforms. If there are exceptional circumstances that a coach feels merits
allowance of a new player please contact one of the Board members to discuss.
Take time to peruse the manual. Especially new coaches might pick up some helpful info. The link is in the drop down menu under Info-LYSA Manual. Packed with information relating to all aspects of coaching youth soccer.
Soccer doesn't build character, it reveals it
-Brad Valentine
LYSA Members and Associates.
The Association is composed of Litchfield volunteers that offer their time, resources, and specialties to ensure the youth of our
community have the most enjoyable and rewarding soccer experiences possible.
Mark Bloome - President
Mark has been the LYSA President since 2009. He started coaching his son Spencer's 1st grade team and has coached at every level of our Association since. He took the job as President because he believed in the program and wanted to help further its objective to promote and improve Litchfield Soccer.
Bill Bergen- Treasurer
Bill has been involved with LYSA for almost 20 years. For the last 15 years he has been head coach of the Litchfield High School girls team.
Darin Ashby - VP
Darin has been coaching area soccer for 20 years. 5 years as an LYSA coach and 16 years a high school coach. A 20-year Board member who also serves on the CIYSA Board. He's our
web-master, photographer, and Social Media Coordinator.